JPL CCS workshop:
Science of 10-km L-band Radiometry
October 10-12, 2023 |
JPL Room 180-101 & WebEx
JPL Organizer: Andreas Colliander
Topical Agenda (PDF - updated 09/5/2023)
Workshop Report (PDF - updated 10/30/2024)
About | Agenda: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

About this workshop
Passive microwave observations at L-band (1.4 GHz) have been a massive success in providing unique information about the Earth system since the launch of the ESA SMOS (Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity), NASA Aquarius, and NASA SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) missions in 2009, 2011, and 2015, respectively. The science derived from these missions has furthered the understanding of geophysical processes in hydrology, oceanography, cryosphere, ecology, and atmosphere. The spatial resolution of these missions ranged from about 40 km to about 100 km. In the future, the L-band radiometer measurements will continue with the ESA CIMR (Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer) mission to be launched in the 2028 timeframe at about 60 km resolution. While this current generation of the L-band radiometer record provides an invaluable tool for exploring the Earth system, the spatial resolution is inadequate for addressing many critical science questions, evaluating and improving the next-generation global Earth system models, and maximizing the synergistic utility of L-band and higher-frequency (6-37 GHz) surface observations. Meanwhile, the state-of-the-art technology allows for the development of a next-generation mission that could make global daily L-band measurements at 10-km resolution, which will alleviate many of the abovementioned shortcomings.
This multidisciplinary workshop invites experts to discuss the scientific benefits and applications of 10-km L-band radiometer observations, their synergistic use with higher frequency observations (6-37 GHz), and associated mission requirements. The discussion includes ocean science enabled by sea surface salinity retrievals; cryospheric science enabled by sea ice thickness, snow liquid water content, land freeze/thaw, and soil temperature retrievals; hydrological and meteorological science enabled by soil moisture retrievals; and ecological science enabled by vegetation optical depth retrievals. The workshop is arranged with invited presentations on each topic and breakout sessions to facilitate discussion on the priorities and requirements for each area. The workshop will produce a summary report that helps the community move forward to define the parameters for a next-generation L-band radiometry mission and to advance research and applications by the interdisciplinary community.
Group photo of the 2023 Science of 10-km L-band Radiometry workhop.
Please contact Andreas Colliander if you have questions about the workshop.
DAY 1 - OCTOBER 10, 2023
Setting the Stage (Chair: Andreas Colliander) | ||
8:00 | Registration | |
8:30 | Welcome and Introductions | Andreas Colliander |
8:50 | Meeting Objectives | Andreas Colliander |
9:15 | Current State of L-band Radiometry | Dara Entekhabi |
9:35 | Outlook of L-band Radiometry | Andreas Colliander |
9:50 | ESA User Consultation Study on the Need of L-band Radiometry | Matthias Drusch (remote) |
10:10 | BREAK | |
10:25 | Feasibility of 10-km Resolution L-band radiometry | Andreas Colliander |
10:45 | Discussion | |
Cryosphere: Sea Ice (Chair: Ted Maksym) | ||
11:00 | On Sea Ice and Its Importance in the Climate System and Processes Observable with 10 km L-band Radiometry | Ted Maksym |
11:30 | Sea Ice Thickness Retrieval | Lars Kaleschke (remote) |
11:45 | LUNCH | |
Cryosphere: Ice Sheet Liquid Water (Chair: Joel Harper) | ||
12:45 | Overview of Science Problem, Value of Liquid Water Retrieval, and Treatment of Spatial Scales | Joel Harper |
13:25 | Ice Sheet LWC Retrieval (L-band and multi-freq.) | Andreas Colliander |
13:40 | Firn Aquifer Detection and Monitoring (L-band) | Julie Miller |
13:55 | Ice Sheet Temperature Retrieval | Giovanni Macelloni (remote) |
Cryosphere: Land Surface and Freeze/Thaw (Chair: Alexandre Roy) | ||
14:10 | Importance of Vegetation Growth Processes and Methane Release to Earth System and Linkage of F/T Spatial Scales to the Processes | Alexandre Roy |
14:50 | BREAK | |
15:05 | Retrieval of F/T with L-band Radiometry | Xiaolan Xu |
15:25 | Enhancement with C- to Ka-band Radiometry | John Kimball |
Atmosphere: Convective Initiation (Chair: Steven Quiring) | ||
15:40 | Significance of Convective Processes in INCUS | Kristen Rasmussen |
16:00 | Soil Moisture-Precipitation Interactions in the Central United States | Trent Ford |
16:20 | Investigating Spatial Relationships Between Soil Moisture and Tornado Events using SMAP | Jana Houser |
17:00 | ADJOURN DAY 1 |
DAY 2 - OCTOBER 11, 2023
Oceanography (Chair: Severine Fournier/Tony Lee) | ||
8:00 | Preparation for day 2 | |
8:30 | Operational Implications of Higher Resolution Sea Surface Salinity (NOAA) | Eric Bayler (remote) |
8:45 | Sea Surface Salinity and Open Ocean Processes | Fred Bingham |
9:00 | Sea Surface Salinity and Coastal Processes | Doug Vandemark |
9:15 | Sea Surface Salinity and Polar Processes | Julian Schanze |
9:30 | Air/Sea Fluxes and Impact of Sea Surface Salinity at Small Scales | Lisan Yu |
9:45 | SSS Retrieval with 1.4 GHz and Wide-Band Measurements | Sidharth Misra |
10:00 | SSS Enhancement with C- to Ka-band Radiometer Measurements | Alex Akins |
10:15 | BREAK | |
Hydrology: Water and Energy Cycle (Chair: Dara Entekhabi/Wade Crow) | ||
10:45 | Soil Moisture and Land-Atmosphere Coupling with Higher Resolution Soil Moisture | Josh Roundy |
11:00 | Soil Moisture Heterogeneity and Triggering of Atmospheric Convection | Paul Dirmeyer (remote) |
11:15 | Global Estimates of L-band Vegetation Optical Depth and Soil Permittivity over Snow-covered Boreal Forests and Permafrost using SMAP Satellite | Ardeshir Ebtehaj |
Hydrology: Land Surface Models (Chair: Wade Crow) | ||
11:30 | Issues and Challenges in Soil Moisture Data Assimilation | Sujay Kumar (remote) |
11:45 | NWP/Hydrologic Forecasting Implications | Stephane Belair (remote) |
12:00 | Issues In Soil Moisture Assimilation with LSM | Wade Crow |
12:15 | LUNCH | |
Hydrology: Soil Moisture Applications and Retrieval (Chair: Thomas Holmes) | ||
13:30 | Surface Soil Moisture and Plant Water Uptake | Andrew Feldman (remote) |
13:45 | SM Retrieval with L-band Radiometry | Rajat Bindlish |
14:00 | Multichannel PMW for soil moisture and Evapotranspiration | Thomas Holmes |
Breakouts (Chair: Andreas Colliander) | ||
14:15 | Organize to Breakouts | |
14:30 | BREAKOUT 1 (including break) | |
16:30 | Breakout Summaries | |
17:15 | ADJOURN DAY 2 |
DAY 3 - OCTOBER 12, 2023
Ecology (Chair: John Kimball) | ||
8:00 | Preparation for day 3 | |
8:30 | Importance of Biomass and Plant Hydrology to Earth System | Paul Siqueira |
9:00 | L-band VOD biomass Applications | Maria Piles (remote) |
9:15 | VOD Applications for Plant Hydrology | Alex Konings |
9:30 | Review of Measuring VOD Dynamics with L through X-band Radiometry | JP Wigneron (remote) |
9:45 | VOD Linkage to Biomass and Vegetation Water Content over Croplands | Brian Hornbuckle |
Breakouts (Chair: Andreas Colliander) | ||
10:00 | BREAKOUT 2 (including break) | |
11:15 | Breakout Summaries and Inputs to Science Traceability Matrices | |
12:00 | Closing and Future Activities | |
12:30 | ADJOURN DAY 3 |