The Climate Future of Los Angeles: What We Face
Dr. Alex Hall, University of California, Los Angeles
June 27, 2013  |  321 Auditorium, JPL, 3 pm – 4 pm
About this Lecture
Alex Hall will present results from an ongoing study of climate change in the Los Angeles region. Using a combination of dynamical and statistical downscaling techniques, Los Angeles climate is projected for the mid-21st century under "mitigation" and "business-as-usual" emissions scenarios. All global climate models associated with the CMIP5 archive are downscaled. This allows us to produce ensemble-mean and uncertainty estimates for local changes in key climate variables, including temperature, snowfall, precipitation, Santa Ana winds and fire.
About Dr. Alex Hall
Alex Hall’s research is focused on reducing the uncertainties associated with global climate change. At the global scale, Dr. Hall studies processes that determine the climate system’s response to increases in greenhouse gases. At the regional scale, he has been active in the development and integration of regional climate models, and laying the groundwork for an understanding of climate change at scales most relevant to people and ecosystems. His work has applications in the areas of climate change impact, water resources, renewable energy and conservation.