Using GRACE Data for Water Cycle Analysis and Climate Modeling
July 15, 2013 - July 17, 2013  |  Hameetman Auditorium, Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, California Institute of Technology

The Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) team and NASA JPL’s Center for Climate Sciences held a workshop on the use of GRACE data to monitor, simulate and understand ongoing changes in the Earth’s hydrosphere and water cycle. Since 2002, the GRACE mission has been measuring Earth's gravity field variations and continues to do so in unprecedented detail, revealing key insights into Earth’s water storage and transport processes over land, ice and oceans. GRACE Follow-On, scheduled to launch 2017, will continue that legacy and provide valuable climate-scale observations.
The workshop aimed to explore:
How our current understanding of the terrestrial water budget components, global and regional water cycle, ocean circulation and sea level change can be advanced by the decade-long GRACE data record;
How hydrology, ocean, ice, as well as coupled climate models can be evaluated and improved using GRACE data (e.g., via data assimilation);
How science data from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On can be optimized for model applications and water resources decision support.
Thanks for your interest in our workshop. Registration is closed.
Logistical Details
Meeting Venue and Parking
Contact Information
For more information, please contact Dr. Felix Landerer or Dr. Carmen Boening: