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Global GPP
Fluxnet Satellite GPP (FluxSat)
- Estimation of Terrestrial GPP with Satellite Data-Driven Models and Eddy Covariance Flux Data (Joiner et al., RS, 2018)
- Spatial Resolution: Climate modeling grid (0.05 degree, 5 km) and MERRA-2 grid (0.5 x 0.67 degree)
- Temporal Resolution: Daily
- Temporal Coverage: March 2001 - 2023.
Global OCO-2 SIF based GPP (GOSIF GPP)
- A global, fine-resolution dataset of GPP based on OCO-2 SIF and linear relationships between SIF and flux tower GPP (Li and Xiao, RS, 2019)
- Spatial Resolution: 0.05 degree
- Temporal Resolution: 8 day and monthly
- Temporal Coverage: 2000-2020
Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM):
Optimized Light Use Efficiency Model (LUEopt):
- Global monthly GPP from an improved Light Use Efficiency Model, optimized using spatially and temporally explicit USE values from FLUXNET tower sites (Madani et al., AGU Advances, in press)
- Spatial resolution: 8 km
- Temporal Resolution: Monthly
- Temporal Coverage: 1982-2016
Regional GPP
Upscaled Flux Tower GPP from MODIS reflectance (EC-MOD)
- Gridded carbon (GPP, NEE) and water (ET) fluxes over North America (Xiao et al., AFM, 2014)
- Spatial Resolution: 1 km x 1 km
- Temporal Resolution: 8-day
- Temporal Coverage: March 2000 - December 2012
Upscaled Flux Tower GPP from TROPOMI SIF (pending publication)
- Gridded GPP data inferred from TROPOMI SIF data
- Contact for data access
- Spatial Resolution: 500 m x 500 m
- Temporal Resolution: Daily
- Temporal Coverage: February 1, 2018 - June 15, 2020