3rd Annual Airborne Snow Observatory Workshop
September 10-13, 2018 | Mammoth Lakes, CA

About this workshop
The 3rd Annual NASA Airborne Snow Observatory Workshop will be a forum for discussion of the accomplishments, science and applications, pathfinding for space missions, partnerships, and directions forward for the ASO program. The NASA ASO is a coupled imaging spectrometer and scanning LiDAR system that has brought us the first comprehensive mapping of mountain basin snow water equivalent and albedo, providing scientists with unique ability to constrain hydrologic models and water managers the first knowledge of actual water volumes in their mountain snowpack resource. In this workshop, we bring together water scientists, glaciologists, water managers, ecosystem managers, and policymakers to work on lessons learned and paths forward for the ASO program in the context of NASA Earth Science and Applied Sciences, as well as water management in the Western U.S. and beyond. In addition to the regular Annual NASA ASO Workshop agenda, we are pleased to offer a Snow Modeling Workshop presented by the USDA ARS (details below).
Monday: USDA ARS Snow Modeling Workshop – Attendees will learn about the principals of snow physics, the iSnowbal snow model, the new Automated Water Supply Modeling (AWSM) and run an example application from the Tuolumne. For more information or to sign up for the workshop, email Scott Havens (scott.havens@ars.usda.gov).
Tuesday - Thursday: Agenda
Abstracts for Presentations
For those interested in presenting at the 3rd Annual ASO Workshop, please email abstracts (~2000 characters excluding spaces) to Liz Carey (Elizabeth.m.carey@jpl.nasa.gov) and Tom Painter (Thomas.painter@jpl.nasa.gov).