These example Netcdf and CDL data file contain fused output from OCO-2 satellite for 2015-01-01.
It contains multiple fields that are:
time, latitude, longitude, Xco2, Xco2_Uncertainty, xco2_apriori, xco2_averaging_kernel, source_data_mode, pressure_levels, pressure_weight, co2_profile_apriori, date
The fused XCO2 and XCO2 uncertainty data from this file is shown in figure one and two.
File Name:
Figure 1
User documentation under documents can be consulted to gather further details about the data contained in this file.
The example Netcdf and CDL data file that can be downloaded below contains fused output from ACOS-GOSAT and OCO-2 satellite for 2015-01-01. It also has the same fields as those available for OCO-2 fused Satellite product.
Please consult user documentation under documents to get further details about this data product.
The following is an example file of OCO-2 10-second averages from 2014 to 2019. Please consult user documentation under documents to get further details about this data product.
Panoply software for browsing Netcdf, HDF and Grib files developed by NASA Goddard Institute from Space can be used to visualize the data contained in these example data files.
This software can be downloaded from:
Figure 2